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Residential and Commercial Work, You Need Sealcoating Then You Want Us!

Call Us Today At ♦ (757) 235-2758

Need your driveway repaved? Parking lot restriped? A new sidewalk? Tidewater Sealcoating and Paving offers professional paving and seal coating services for residential and commercial customers throughout Hampton Roads and the entire state of North Carolina. No job is too big or too small, from a patio for a private residence to site development for a shopping center. From conception to completion, 
Disabled parking markings
We offer prompt, professional, and precise craftsmanship. A thorough site inspection allows us to become familiar with the conditions of your property in order to prevent costly surprises. We have the knowledge and resources to ensure the job is done correctly and on schedule, plus we have the work ethic and concern for quality to go the extra mile to produce exceptional results.

Tidewater Sealcoating and Paving has the expertise and experience to help you select the best materials for your needs. Over 40 years experience, our team is always ready to provide friendly and helpful advice. Licensed and insured, Tidewater Sealcoating and Paving's work is guaranteed. Family owned and operated, we understand our customers often have strict budgets and hectic schedules, so we offer free estimates and after-hours work. Whether you’re a home owner or business owner, we would appreciate the opportunity to serve you.
From a public parking lot to a private road to your driveway, we offer complete asphalt paving and repair services that will keep your blacktop smooth and level.
Whether you need potholes filled, cracks repaired, or surfaces newly paved, please contact us for information and a consultation for your project. 


  • Licensed
  • Insured
  • Class A Contractor

Call Us Today At ♦ (757) 235-2758

YP Review

Rick S. On 05.25.2018
They were amazing from the start to the finish of our project. Replacing a parking lot for a busy resort isn't an easy task! Guest, staff, service, and delivery vehicles are buzzing around your every move....

Over 40 Years Experience

Member of the Better Business Bureau

Business Hours

7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. every day! 
(Available after hours by appointment) 

Payment Options

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